"Revolution" of cancer diagnosis and treatment in CSCO conference from precision medicine to epigenetics

September 28,2015

The 18th national congress of clinical oncology and the 2015 CSCO academic conference were solemnly held at Xiamen international conference center from September 16 to 20, 2015. Dr. Lu Xianping, the president of CHIPSCREEN BIOSCIENCES, Dr. Ning Zhiqiang, the executive vice president, and She Liangji, the vice president of tumor division, attended the meeting.

During the CSCO annual meeting, CCMTV-clinical channel " super interview" program invited Dr. Lu Xianping of Shenzhen CHIPSCREEN BIOSCIENCES co., ltd., Professor Jiang Zefei from affiliated hospital of the military medical academy, Professor Zhu Jun of Peking University Tumor Hospital held wonderful discussions on the topic of " the' revolution' of tumor diagnosis and treatment from precision medicine to epigenetics". Dr. Lu Xianping pointed out that in recent years, epigenetics is leading people's eyes to a completely new scene that makes people suddenly enlightened. It plays an important role in many fields such as tumor generation and treatment, stem cell differentiation, and the development of tumor drugs by epigenetics has also become a hot topic. In addition, with the arrival of the era of precision medicine, more scientists are making unremitting efforts to benefit more cancer patients from it. He said that Chidamide will conduct continuous clinical research on lung cancer, adenocarcinoma, breast cancer and gastric cancer. A good medicine must be developed through clinical research. Based on the existing scientific evidence, we also need clinicians to be able to listen more to our scientific ideas and then turn research into more accurate treatment methods. The tumor is complex and changeable, and it is impossible to play all roles in a single pathway. At present, everyone has realized the importance of epigenetics in tumor treatment. As for enterprises and products, we will also devote ourselves to more precisely " target" these pathways.


At noon on the 19th, the Chidamide(Epidaza?) satellite conference hosted by CHIPSCREEN BIOSCIENCES - " the arrival of the era of epigenetic regulation" was successfully held as scheduled.

Chidamide is the first subtype selective histone deacetylase oral inhibitor in China approved for listing, and is also China's first original new drug authorized for patent use in developed countries such as the United States. CFDA's first indications are relapsed and refractory peripheral T-cell lymphoma. As an epigenetic regulatory drug, it is an anti-tumor drug with great development prospect in the future. There are many clinical studies in the field of blood tumors and solid tumors, and the results are worth looking forward to.

At the meeting, Lu Xianping, the president of CHIPSCREEN BIOSCIENCES gave a wonderful report on epigenetics and precise treatment of tumors, and shared the latest research progress in Chidamide with the participants.

The biological booth activity of CHIPSCREEN BIOSCIENCES provides a professional academic platform for the participants. The staff attracted many clinicians to stop by distributing academic materials. The CHIPSCREEN BIOSCIENCES expert representative who came to the booth to consult introduced the research and development process and clinical application of Chidamide and answered the questions raised by the experts. The whole academic publicity activity has achieved very good results.

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