Chengdu CHIPSCREEN pharmaceutical co., ltd. undertakes " China pharmaceutical innovation forum - 2014 Chengdu jinqiu lunjian"

November 10,2014

On November 8, 2014, the " China pharmaceutical innovation forum – Chengdu jinqiu LUN Jian 2014" hosted by the China pharmaceutical innovation club, hosted by Chengdu CHIPSCREEN pharmaceutical industry and co-sponsored by Chengdu hi-tech zone Management Committee was held in Chengdu. More than 100 renowned international and domestic pharmaceutical leaders gathered in Chengdu to discuss on the theme of " FDA new regulations' inspiration, opportunities and challenges to the clinical research of China's innovative drugs in the later period" and have achieved fruitful academic research results and shared successful experiences.

The " China pharmaceutical innovation forum" is jointly sponsored by Dr. Lu Xianping, the president of CHIPSCREEN BIOSCIENCES Shenzhen, Dr. Ye Xiaoping, the chairman of Tiger Pharmaceutical, Dr. Chen Li, the president of China's Leading Pharmaceutical, Dr. Wang Jin, the executive director of Manhattan Capital Group, Dr. Wang Jinsong, the president of China's R& D of Sanofi, Dr. Dong Ruiping, the CMO of Zaiding Pharmaceutical and other senior medical professionals. It is aimed at carrying out summit round-table discussions on major industrial policies, technologies, businesses and capital patterns such as the transformation and upgrading of China's pharmaceutical industry, the mutual supplement with multinational pharmaceutical enterprises in the market competition, so as to promote exchanges and cooperation among enterprises in capital, technology, teams and projects and promote medicine.

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